Experience Excellence with 
Essex Elite Plastics!

Your uPVC & Composite Installation Specialist

Providing top-quality services in fascia soffit and guttering, windows and doors & cladding


Roofline refers to 3 of the key features that make up your property’s roof. These are fascias, soffits, and guttering. All of them are designed to do very different things but are equally important in protecting your home.




You want to make a statement on the outside of your home but you’re not sure how to achieve it? We recommend cladding. It can be a cost-effective way of improving the look and thermal efficiency of your home.



The benefits of uPVC windows and doors extend far beyond their aesthetic appeal. From energy efficiency and low maintenance to durability and enhanced security, these fixtures provide a holistic solution for homeowners looking to upgrade their homes.

About Us

Professional uPVC & Composite Installation Services

Essex Elite Plastics LTD is a leading uPVC & Composite installation specialist, offering a wide range of services including fascia soffit and guttering, windows and doors and Cladding. With years of experience in the industry, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional craftsmanship and outstanding customer service.

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Years of Experience

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